Welcome to My Blog

This blog is dedicated to post all the activities I do with my students.
Most of the activities I do encourages the integration of ICT.
I hope you always pay my blog regular visits.


Monday, November 22, 2010

A guide to parents:Understanding the implementation of the Math Program

The smile of young clovers is the best sign that reflects our feelings of excitement and joy as we embark on this new school year. It is our aim to work with you as partners as we guide your child in her/his pursuit of knowledge.

We use the Harcourt Math books, which provide a whole detailed discussion of instructional strategies that are likely to enhance student learning. We have the book, which is used, in the classroom for solving exercises on the copybook that is checked on a weekly basis by the teacher. To reinforce the skills taught to students in class, we use a practice book for homework which is taken home either daily or during the week-end.

Better problem solvers are better test takers, for that a problem Solving day is done every Thursday to provide an opportunity to diagnose student difficulty in the critical area of problem solving.

Since motivation is the most crucial element of a child's education, many motivating and interesting math activities are done on regular basis.

Parents can support their children’s learning by maintaining regular contact with the school, following up homework assignments, and signing quizzes and tests found in the portfolio.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Self-Teaching Strategy

Teaching yourself is sometimes the best way to be successful in life.A self-learner gets more motivated and self-responsibility.Grade 6 students are studying how to multiply decimal numbers.They experienced an interesting way to learn this new concept;they used a self-teaching worksheet that contained solved decimal multiplication exercises.Students worked in pairs and observed the examples well and concluded the best way to multiply decimal numbers.Students’ conclusions were discussed through a whole class discussion.
Students enjoyed this session a lot.''I can learn by myself’’ said Nour,a grade 6 student.
This teaching style will save hours of teaching time each day and will give your students an opportunity to develop superior knowledge and life-long study habits.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Using The Interactive White Boards

We,students and staff of KSPS are so grateful for sending us the new amazing technical visitor that intends to stay with us the whole academic year in all classes giving a helping hand in the learning process.We are overwhelmed by the interactive whiteboards and we hope that our result will meet the expectations in being so successful and fruitful ones.
We thank President Amine Daouk and Miss Adla Shatila,the head of IT Department at Makassed,for their continuous support and implementation of an IT strategic plan at Makassed to keep it a pioneer in all aspects.
What is amazing about interactive whiteboards is grabbing students’ attention with the learning process through technology.Students come to the classroom having spent most of their out-of-school time surrounded by the wonders of technology.In order to compete with the outside world we want our school to embrace all forms of technology so that students remain excited,involved and interested in the learning procedure that is taking place.Interactive whiteboards provide numerous opportunities to improve teaching while also keeping students highly involved.

ICT in Education

ICT education sessions organized by the British Council took place at Makassed Khalil Shehab school on July 1st, 5th, and 7th.Mrs. Grace Talj from the British Council and Miss Rawaa Shehab were the trainers. Twenty – five participants from different Makassed schools attended the sessions. The sessions provided training on using the different advanced computer skills in their classrooms.Teacher practiced on skills like hide and reveal and hot spotting in power point, drop down list and check box in word, creating an interactive worksheet in excel, making a video using photo story, creating wikis and blogs. The last day ended with a show-and- tell session in which teachers made presentations about the work that was completed in the previous sessions. Special thanks goes to the British Council for organizing ICT sessions and keeping teachers ahead with the latest ICT skills.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Visit Grade 6 To Learn More About Mitosis

The idea of Mitosis (cell division) is quite new and challenging for grade 6 students,so different strategies were needed to approach this concept.This is what was done with grade 6 students.
1-Students watched a power point presentation that illustrated the concept and the different stages of mitosis.
2-Students were divided into 6 groups, 4 members each.Every group wrote a stanza that illustrated a different stage of mitosis (interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase,and telophase).The stanzas were combined together to form the Mitosis poem.
3-Students worked in pairs,and they used clay,toothpicks,straws,wool,and plastic plates to model the 6 different stages of mitosis.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Math with Mom and Dad

Group A with Mr.Saadeh

Group B with Mrs.Itani

Group C with Mrs.Shehab

The last math period was not the same as everyday for grade 6 students.Special visitors were present in our class.Three parents were invited to attend the math class with their children.Students were divided into 3 groups and every parent joined one.The session started, every student and the parents took a worksheet that contains 27 mathematical expressions.Then,collaborative work started.Students' and parents' job was to answer these expressions correctly in order to unlock the password.Each group selected a reporter to announce the group's result.The password was: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
P= parentheses
E= exponent
D= division
A= addition
S= subtraction
At the end of the session, every parent filled a questionnaire to check if they enjoyed this session and if they would like to repeat this experience with their children. Also, every parent took a thank you card for their effective contribution.
When mom and dad are present Learning becomes definitely so much fun!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Interesting Facts about KSPS Family

The idea of statistics for children is quite challenging so a different strategy was needed to approach the concept. So this is what was done with grade five students. A survey paper was prepared including ten questions that asked about (favorite color, food, subject, pet, sport, hobby..etc). The survey papers were distributed among all teachers and grades 4, 5, and 6. Students explained the reason why they are doing this activity. They asked the teachers and their friends to help them understand the lesson by answering all questions. After that, all papers were studied and the results were classified. The results were quite interesting. Some results showed that most of KSPS family preferred the blue color, chose pizza as their favorite food, liked studying English, favored swimming as a best hobby, and agreed that cats were their favorite pets. This activity made students grasp the idea of statistics easily. They enjoyed the involvement of teachers and other students. They asked to do another activity like that.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thanks My Dear Students

It was a wonderful day that I won't forget as days pass by.My dear grade 5 students surprised me today,we celebrated the teachers day together.They wrote for me a letter that impressed me:
أطل القمر علينا و كان رائع الجمال, مليئ بالحب و الحنان و كان لديه إسم على مسمى إسمه روعة. نحبك جداً