Welcome to My Blog

This blog is dedicated to post all the activities I do with my students.
Most of the activities I do encourages the integration of ICT.
I hope you always pay my blog regular visits.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Science Hands-on Activities

Since I believe that students learn best if they are actively engaged, several hands-on activities are always performed during science classes.
The Life Cycle Plate:
Grade 4 students were studying about the life cycle of living things. They translated their learning into an interesting hands-on activity. Every student took a life cycle of a different living thing and formulated “The Life Cycle Plate”.

Mitosis activities:
Teaching students about Mitosis is quite challenging since this lesson is completely new for my fifth graders.

I asked students to translate the stages of Mitosis into “The Mitosis Booklet” and “The Mitosis Plates”. These 2 activities ensured that students fully understood and memorized the stages of Mitosis.

The Mitosis  Plates 

The Mitosis Booklet

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Angles in Our Names!

Did you know that your name is full of angles? 
Well, you can try this activity as my 6th graders. While we were studying about measuring and types of angles I asked my students to draw their own name, then measure the angles using their protractors and classify them. Finally, students sat in groups of 4 members each and compared angles found in their names (number, type).

Students learned that angles are found in almost everything around us. They also learned to measure and classify angles in a very funny and innovative way.  

I bet you are all trying to find angles in your own names. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

What is Respect?!

This month all KSPS students are learning about a new value “Respect”.
What is respect? And why it is important for us to be respectful? To answer these questions 6th graders did some investigations; they browsed the net and asked their parents and teachers about the meaning of respect. Now it’s time to translate their understandings into actions, every student wrote a different experience they faced where they disrespected their parents, siblings, friends…
Every student shared his/her experience in front of the whole class, then we selected a 6th grader story and acted it out.

Script by: Ahmad Imad
Mother: jana Al Ghaly
Dad: Jalal Hijazi
Son: Mohammad Al Masri
Finally, we used “Wordle” a web 2.0 tool to write synonyms of respect that we learned in this activity.