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This blog is dedicated to post all the activities I do with my students.
Most of the activities I do encourages the integration of ICT.
I hope you always pay my blog regular visits.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Dancing Decimal


Grade 6 students are learning how to multiply and divide decimal numbers by multiples of 10. I realized that most students struggle with this concept. Thus, it was time for a hands-on fun activity.
  I used colored chalk to draw the place value frame on the floor of the playground.
We used a playground ball to represent the decimal point.
Students were given a piece of paper with a digit on it to stand in the right place value place.
I then called an operation and a power of 10 and students shall shift accordingly.
This activity not only provides a great visual for the students, but it also adds an active element for my kinesthetic learners.

Global Teenager Project- Phase 2

During the second phase of GTP, KSPS grade 6 students communicated and collaborated with our friends in Ukraine and Bangladesh to learn about the educational systems in their countries. We had the chance to compare their educational systems to that of Lebanon. Simultaneously, we informed our friends in Bangladesh and Ukraine about the educational system here in Lebanon. To check our understanding, our friends asked us to draw a Venn diagram to compare and contrast between the educational systems in Ukraine and Bangladesh.

                            The wiki space where we exchanged our findings

Modeling the parts of the digestive system- Kinesthetic model

Kinesthetic grade 5 students acted out the process of digestion in an interesting activity.
 First, we placed several M &Ms in a small plastic bag. 

Then, we placed the bag of candies along with wadded papers in a plastic container.

 Finally, we brought spray bottles filled with water that demonstrated the juices in our digestive system; we labeled them as Saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, and bile. 

Now it’s grade 5 students turn to model the digestive system. Students were divided into 2 groups and lined up facing each other. The path between them is the digestive tract. All the students worked together to push the food particles down the tract. I assigned a job for each pairs of students, based on their position along the digestive tract. The first 2 students were the molars that cut food into small pieces. Then the second 2 students were the saliva, stomach, small intestine, blood, large intestine, and finally the rectum.

 At the end of this activity we all enjoyed eating the delicious M & Ms.