Welcome to My Blog

This blog is dedicated to post all the activities I do with my students.
Most of the activities I do encourages the integration of ICT.
I hope you always pay my blog regular visits.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Technology in our Math and Science classes

Technology has advanced my Math and Science classes in a positive way. With access to a computer and internet, different activities can be performed online in the classroom.
Since last month and on weekly basis, cycle 2 students are performing online formative assignments and tests using different web 2.0 tools; Zoomerang, survey monkey, hot potatoes…
After an entire month of implementing the online assignments in the Math and Science classes, it was clearly observed that they had a positive impact on students’ results and on children who have difficulty performing in traditional classroom environments. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ask Grade 6, The scientists!

Grade 6 students have a dream to become real scientists when they grow up. For this reason, they started practicing from now and make amazing experiments.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Math Outdoor Learning Sessions

 During the last week, Grade 6 students took part in Math Outdoor Learning sessions where they were studying about polygons, lines and angles relationship, circles… Students took part in a “Team Challenge” during the outdoor sessions. They were divided into groups; each group had to draw different kinds of polygons, and to represent lines and angles relationship using different geometric tools. Outdoor learning sessions had a positive impact on children’s learning and concentration, while enhancing cognitive skills, social skills, self-esteem, and creativity.

Happy, Healthy and successful young people need to be outside!