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This blog is dedicated to post all the activities I do with my students.
Most of the activities I do encourages the integration of ICT.
I hope you always pay my blog regular visits.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Count, Buy, Eat!!

Grade 4 students had an interesting activity that allowed them to set their own meal in a specific budget. This activity involved students using their math computing skills and their science skills too!
The activity started when students were divided into group of 4 members each. Each group had a specific diner menu and a specific amount of money. Students used this amount of money to form a meal that contains all the food groups (students used knowledge about food pyramid acquired in the science classes).
This activity allowed students to develop and strengthen their thinking, problem solving, cooperating, and decision making strategies; they needed a specific time to plan, adapt others opinions, evaluate their thinking, and take the appropriate decision.
 Finally, students used their artistic skills to draw the meals they formed.



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